“Daniel’s Prophetic Dreams, Visions & Proclamations”
FOCUS (the core of the content to be communicated)
When it comes to prophecy, there are many perspectives & beliefs concerning what it actually is & what it all means. Eschatology is the study of the end times. It is directly related to previously predicted details that God has revealed in scripture. While prophecies can be misinterpreted & misunderstood, we need to hear & heed them with an awareness of their place in scripture especially as it pertains to the day in which we live.
As we conclude this series from the Book of Daniel, it is my hope that this message will inspire you to dig into the final chapters of this prophet’s writings for yourself. Discovering something for yourself is much better & penetrates far deeper than just hearing about something from someone else.
Remember, whatever God says will be will be just as He says it will be.
Daniel’s prophecies tell us that …
1. conflict, danger, rebellion & unrest will precede Christ’s return.
We need to have our heads up, minds clear & hearts ready. - Daniel chapters 7-11
2. no matter what we go through, God will bring us home.
Because Christ conquered, Satan, sin & death, we are good to go. - Daniel 12
Making It Real
1] How does knowing this strengthen your commitment to evangelism & discipleship?
2] How does knowing this comfort & prepare you for whatever you may experience?
Action Step
Starting today read Daniel chapters 6 thru 12 one chapter a day. Take some time
Saturday to write down a synopsis of your thoughts & responses to what you learned.
Cornerstone Community Church 5344 Fishcreek Rd Stow OH 44224 <>< ><> Pastor Dan Page February 12, 2023 www.ccc-stow.faithlifesites.com